Putney Capital Management is a dynamic advisory and asset management firm focused on value generation within the agroindustry sector across the Caribbean and Northern Latin American region.

We have a distinctive track-record in the turnaround and recovery of agro-industrial assets and the development of sustainable economies centered around agriculture and land bank management.

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Putney co-manages an agroindustry fund and a land bank collaboratively with INICIA, a private asset management firm that operates in partnership with unique managers focused on the Northern Latin American region.



Our team has extensive expertise in project development, turnarounds, operations, execution, and financing across the agribusiness, finance, and real estate sectors. With a successful track-record, our professionals deliver strategic and impactful outcomes for LPs.

María Amalia Haché

Financial Analyst

Olga Cabral

Administrative Coordinator

Olga Cabral: Coordinadora Administrativa

Ricardo Alegría

Managing Partner & CEO

Dionicio Buitrago

Agroindustry Manager